The Annual General Meeting (AGM) of The Darwin City Brass Band Association Incorporated for 2024 will be held at the band room, 2 Abala Road, Marrara, on Tuesday 3 December commencing at 7.00 pm.
The AGM will report on the financial and general activities of The Darwin City Brass Band Association Incorporated for the 2023-2024 financial year. The Audited Financial Statements are available on the notice board in the band room. This notice of AGM will be placed on the band’s website and Facebook page in the best interpretation of the band’s current constitution.
At the AGM all committee positions are declared vacant. All members who are 18 years or older are welcome and encouraged to nominate for a position on the management committee. Currently the management committee meets once a month on Thursday evenings at 6 pm, with the meeting duration generally being about an hour. A nomination form is attached.
Nominations for committee positions are to be lodged with myself, in my capacity as President, on or before Tuesday 26 November either by hand or by email to
Bill Buckley,